This is the best news finding out that the future Princess to Prince William Kate Middleton sold Hello Kitty to people. I love the Hello Kitty Royal Wedding merchandise but this might be better. Kate's mom Carole Middleton is the founder of partypieces.com  where Kate had worked also and at first I thought it was a catering company so I didn't pay much attention until I decided to look it up and saw all the Hello Kitty party supplies a 30 year old could ask for. I know it's listed under kids parties but at least I'm not buying Justin Bieber party supplies. 

Hello Kitty gets the front page!

Hello Kitty is also a part of their blog with a special post.

My 34th birthday is just around the corner so this will be my first stop for Hello Kitty shopping on payday. The more crazy my Hello Kitty party is the better. I'm close to a mid life crisis so I might as well prepare myself. 

One of Kate's job descriptions was to take photos for their catalog. I'm assuming she took pictures of all the Hello Kitty supplies. That actually might be a better job than being Princess. Ok maybe not. But it comes close. :D