Which Hello Kitty am I? I'm the one who spends the whole day shopping for myself online without a minute to breathe. I'm also the Hello Kitty who prefers the company of stuffed animals over people. Which Hello Kitty am I? I'm the black sheep.

 Hello Kitty is so right about me. I love a imaginary world over the real world but I don't think she was talking to a 30 year old. 

"It's time for a spelling bee and only half the class is still standing.. where are you?" I'm not in the class that's for sure. I did have a blog visitor tell me how to spell in a particular post and they spelled a word wrong criticizing me. H.E.L.L.O  K.I.T.T.Y!

Apparently I'm having a sleepover and I don't have a choice. Sounds like marriage. I choose not at all except for Hello Kitty and the one I'm legally binded to.