I'd like to think I'm somewhat easy going when it comes to Hello Kitty but this maybe the first time that I've really been offended with the use of her image. This "damn tee" should be damned for displaying Hello Kitty with Bulimia and thinking it's funny. If someone is going to do this with Hello Kitty at least make it some sort of positive message for getting help. Unfortunately it's not and the other half of me that is obsessed with Hello Kitty wants to get this shirt anyway. What the hell is wrong with me?

This is how they described their "product":

The cat is out of the bag and over the toilet. Hello kitty says goodbye to those calories by coughing up last nights supper. Who can blame her? When you are this big in Japan you've got to keep up your feline physique. Hello kitty staying pretty those flabby days are a flush away let this kitty cat binge every day.