I wish I could go to Hello Kitty's new club "CLUB KT Shibuya" (Japan) opening September 22 but it's geered towards teens and I'm in another country. Apparently this "club" is supposed to be a store but resembles a nightclub minus the drinks. Sounds a little boring.

The japanese title for Hello Kitty's new club is"Shibuya Club Katy". That sounds like one of those clubs in the red light district.

From Press Release translated:
Sanrio Company, Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, President: Shintaro Tsuji), the retail of new business "CLUB KT shibuya" will open in a fashion building in Tokyo SHIBUYA109 on 22 September.
  "CLUB KT shibuya" is newly developed for the fashion-conscious teen, "Character & Fashion & Music" is the spot for teens comprehensive mix of three elements.
 Hello Kitty, My Melody, as well as selling our products, including the character of Little Twin Stars, a place of idol teen "club" serving to mimic the "CLUB" is a type shopping experience.  Took a permanent DJ booth and large monitors DJ Equipment serious professional use, do DJ events (held irregularly) and such, will continue to place a variety of information.

  1. 店名 「CLUB KT shibuya」 日本語表記:「クラブ ケーティ 渋谷」 Store name "CLUB KT shibuya" Japanese title: "Shibuya Club Katy"

  2. オープン日 2011年9月22日(木) Opening date September 22, 2011 (Thursday)

  3. 住所 東京都渋谷区道玄坂2丁目29番1号 SHIBUYA109 8F No. 1, No. 29 SHIBUYA109 8F 2-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Dogenzaka

  4. 電話番号 TEL 03-3477-5146 (9月22日 10 00より) TEL 03-3477-5146 phone number (from 10 00 September 22)

  5. 営業時間 10:00〜21:00 (1月1日を除いて年中無休) Hours 10:00 to 21:00 (open all year except for January 1)

  6. 店舗面積 14坪 14 square meters floor area

  7. コンセプト 渋谷発! From Shibuya concept. NEW SPOT誕生。 Birthday NEW SPOT.
    国内外の Kawaii を追求した商品をセレクトしたSanrio初のTeenのための“CLUB”体感型SHOP !! Teen's first for a selection of Sanrio products at home and abroad in pursuit of Kawaii "CLUB" SHOP-type experience!

  8. 取扱商品点数 約1,000点 (国内外のライセンス契約先企業から発売されている商品中心) Items score 1,000 points (mainly products are available from companies worldwide licensing agreement)

  9. オープン前までの一般からのお問合せ先 サンリオ 開発事業部 TEL 03-3779-8041 Development Division TEL 03-3779-8041 Contact Sanrio public before the opening