A mighty fine follower gave me the great idea of a holiday gift guide so in Hello Kitty Limited tradition here are SOME of my picks for Christmas gifts because you know I would probably just pick everything.

  $1200.00 Swarovski Hello Kitty shoes. Great for work, Christmas parties and Colfax.
Courtesy of Ebay

$639 Hello Kitty glass lamp to brighten your day. Literally. With that price it better light up my life.

 Courtesy of Ebay

$19.99 Hello Kitty Chocolate Banana Bar Maker

Courtesy of Ebay

$25.00 Mighty Fine Hello Kitty Facebook Cupcake tee. Absolute favorite just because of the Facebook reference!

$95.00 Hello Kitty bag with plush doll. I'm hoping I get this for Christmas!

Courtesy of Sanrio.com

Hello Kitty Wine. This is definately the top of my list. For the 21 and over.