I normally don't do complaints about a store sending me the wrong item probably because I've never had this happen except by Kmart who are the equivilent of a trash can. They don't even keep good stock in the store. I ordered the Hello Kitty Porch Greeter online and what did I get instead... Eeyore. After I called them up regarding this mistake of theirs they couldn't find the order number which is in big black color on my receipt. I will never ever buy from them again even if they have a Hello Kitty I really want. I'd rather buy it off Ebay for a higher price and from someone who will most likely send me the right item and needs the money. I should of listened to myself and my worrying when I recieved a email with what I ordered and it didn't say Hello Kitty just Porch Greeter. To make matters worse the Hello Kitty Porch Greeter is no longer available.
This is what I ordered....
This is what they sent me instead...
I'm feeling sick to my stomach right now because Eeyore is the cutest little thing and I may want to keep him anyway.
What do I do?