I always wanted to run away with a carnival but they wouldn't have me so I just settled for Hello Kitty's approval. I've been to carnivals before but taking Hello Kitty along and visiting a carnival freakshow is a first for me and being the "freakshow" that I am I fit in pretty well. It was also a first for Denver County to have their own fair. 
Photos by Hello Kitty Limited

        Is Hello Kitty the creepy doll? News at 11. 


   Hello Kitty loves brains as long as they are filled with her. 

  Hello Kitty meets Batboy but I didn't see any of the Yankees.

I think you might just be Hello Kitty.

      Look who I found at the exhibits!

I won Hello Kitty! She's not official but who is.

 Hello Kitty meets a Carnival Barker aka "Talker" as most preferred to be called.

My midway Hello Kitty plush fits in with the carnival. It looks like she's spliced from Hello Kitty, The Care Bears and Angel Cat Sugar. Maybe that brain in the jar created her and if that's the case I want that brain. I could become a mad genius and get all the secrets of Hello Kitty!